Radiology Department PET Imaging Center

UI PET Imaging Center

The PET Imaging Center is a self-contained laboratory encompassing approximately 7000 sq-ft for production of radionuclides, synthesis of radiopharmaceuticals, quantitative PET scanning for research and clinical activities and analysis of PET imaging information.

Radiochemistry Laboratories: The clinical radiochemistry laboratory has been recently modified to meet FDA mandated cGMP requirements. It houses a compact Class 7 Clean Room with three laminar flow hoods for aseptic processing procedures.

The main production laboratory contains two large volume windowed hot cells, eight mini hot cells with remote video monitoring, a radiochemistry hood, and a laminar flow hood. The laboratory has a number of automated, computer controlled synthesis modules, including a Siemens Explora FDG quad-synthesis module, two GE FASTlab synthesis modulew that will be used for the synthesis of -[18F]FDG, anti-[18F]FACBC, and soon [18F]FLT, 2 Nuclear Interface synthesis modules for Fluorinated nucleophilic syntheses currently used to make [18F]FLT, a general purpose Nuclear Interface [11C]carbon synthesis module to make [11C] PIB and other [11C] compounds. We additionally have self- designed Lab-View controlled syntheses modules for [11C]choline, [11C]acetate, [18F]Fluoride, [13N]Ammonia. Two computers are used for master formulary tracking.

A second research radiochemistry laboratory contains three custom-built Comecer hot cells equipped with laminar flow and gloved access for sterile radiopharmaceutical production. This lab contains 2 HPLCs equipped with variable wavelength UV and radioactivity detectors. Precursor development and developmental chemistry is performed in this lab.

Quality Control Laboratory: The QC lab contains PC computers that control a Bioscan radio-TLC scanner and two Dionex BioLC HPLC systems complete with electrochemical, variable wavelength UV and radioactivity detectors. Three radio-GC systems are available for gaseous and liquid analysis. A Waters HPLC system equipped with electrochemical and conductivity detectors and a Waters EMD1000 mass spectrometer are also available. Other instruments include dose calibrators and NaI (Tl) well counters for accurate determination of radioactivity (dose) and gamma spectroscopy of labeled radiopharmaceuticals.

Support Laboratories: The PET Center includes a physics and electronics lab with instrumentation for design, fabrication and repair of all devices in the PET Center, a complete machine shop, and multiple, networked computers for image display and analysis. Two full time, on-site engineers work within the PET Center, providing both repair and developmental services.

Nuclide Production: GE PETrace 880 dual particle cyclotron (17 MeV protons, 8.3 MeV deuterons) for routine production of positron emitting radionuclides. The cyclotron is equipped with 5 primary target ports, with targetry designed for the production of F-18, O-15, C-11, and N-13. Attached to a sixth target port is an external beam line onto which is a four-target carousel, including a Comecer solid target system for the production of more novel positron emitting nuclides.

PET/CT Scanners: Two PET/CT scanners are available: Siemens Biograph 40 PET/CT (3D only, LSO, 81 image planes, high-resolution, high count-rate options with 4.2 mm transaxial & 4.5 mm axial FWHM resolution, 4.4 cps/kBq sensitivity, 40 slice CT) and Siemens/CTI Biograph Duo PET-CT system (3D only, 45 image planes, 6.3 mm transaxial & 4.7 mm axial FWHM resolution, 925,000 cts/sec/μCi/cc sensitivity [scatter corrected], 2 slice CT). The Biograph Duo was installed in June 2003 and is primarily a clinical PET scanner. The Biograph 40 was installed in September 2006 and is available for both research and clinical uses. This scanner is equipped with Pico-3D electronics for improved count-rate performance and is capable of static, multibed, dynamic (list-mode) and gated acquisitions.

PET Only Scanner: Siemens/CTI HR+ PET system (2D and 3D, 63 image planes, 4.6 mm transaxial and 3.5 mm axial FWHM resolution (3D), 900,000 cts/sec/μCi/cc sensitivity [3D, scatter corrected]). This system was originally installed in July 2002. This scanner is used for most research studies since it has a number of acquisition modes (static, dynamic, list mode, gated) useful for the investigation of brain function and tumor metabolism/response to therapy.