Admission/Degree Requirements - Diagnostic Medical Sonography | Radiation Sciences Programs

Admission/Degree Requirements - Diagnostic Medical Sonography

Admission Requirements: Diagnostic Medical Sonography (DMS)     Sonography of a kidney

  • Prerequisite Courses:
    • Rhetoric:   RHET:1030 Rhetoric
    • Natural Science: anatomy, one of these:
      • HHP:1100  Human Anatomy
      • HHP:3105  Anatomy for Human Physiology
      • HHP:3115  Anatomy for Human Physiology with Lab
    • AND: physiology, one of these:
      • HHP:1300  Fundamentals of Human Physiology
      • HHP:3500  Human Physiology
      • HHP:3550  Human Physiology with Lab
    • AND: physics, one of these:
      • PHYS:1400 Basic Physics  
      • PHYS:1511 College Physics I
    • Psychology:   PSY:1001  Elementary Psychology
    • Quantitative/Formal Reasoning one of these:
      • MATH:1440  Math for the Biological Sciences
      • MATH:1020  Elementary Functions
    • General Education: 3sh from 2 of the following areas:  
      • Understanding Cultural Perspectives (UCP)
      • Historical Perspectives (HP)
      • International and Global Issues (IGI)
      • Literary, Visual, and Performing Arts (LVPA)
      • Values and Society (VS)
    •  Medical Terminology:  CLSA:3750  Medical and Technical Terminology
  • Prerequisites courses must be completed by June 1 with one exception: physics may be completed in the summer semester.
  • 2.5 minimum cumulative college GPA
  • Two years of high school world language is a prerequisite to the professional program.
  • International students and students whose first language is not English:  must satisfy all UI Admissions requirements, complete the English Language Requirements for Admission, and have clearance to take a full academic load.

Recommended for all professional programs (tracks):

  • Job shadowing, patient care experience, and research of professional field(s)
  • Participation in student, community, or professional organizations or clubs
  • RSP:1100  Introduction to Radiation Sciences
  • CS:1020  Principles of Computing or BAIS:1500  Business Computing Essentials
  • STAT:1020  Elementary Statistics
  • PSY:1010  Learning About Learning
  • HHP:1400 Human Anatomy & Physiology OR BIOL:1140 Human Biology


  • Separate application for competitive selection to the professional track due by January 15.
  • Admission to a Radiation Sciences program is not guaranteed.
  • Application and selection process is required due to limited clinical openings.
  • Personal interview for invited applicants.
  • Transfer students:  Apply to the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Radiation Sciences Interest by early November.  Also see the Transfer Credits link on the Student Resources tab.

Degree Requirements:

1)  One of the following professional Radiation Sciences tracks:

  • Diagnostic Medical Sonography and General and Vascular (3 year track) – Up to 12 students
  • Diagnostic Medical Sonography and Cardiac and Vascular (3 year track) – Up to 8 students

2)  Semester hour and GPA Requirements:

  • Successfully complete a minimum of 120 semester hours of credit
  • Maintain a minimum 2.0 cumulative and UI GPA
  • Complete all track courses with a C or above


1st Semester Fall sh 2nd Semester Spring sh
RHET:1030  Rhetoric 4 Human  Physiology 3-5
BIOL:1140 Human Biology* OR HHP:1400 Human Anatomy & Physiology* 3-4 Human Anatomy 3-5
MATH:1020 Elementary Functions OR MATH:1440 Math for Biological Sciences 4 PSY:1001  Elementary Psych 3
UCP, IGI, HP, LVPA, or VS 3 CLSA:3750 Medical Terminology 2
RSP:1100  Introduction to Radiation Sciences* 1 UCP, IGI, HP, LVPA, or VS 3
Subtotal 15-16 Subtotal 14-18
3rd Semester Summer sh    
PHYS:1400 Basic Physics^ 3    
Subtotal 3    
Total Freshman 31-35    

*   Strongly recommended, not required
^   Physics may be completed in the spring or summer semester.  Summer is recommended if both Anatomy and Physiology are taken in the spring.

-   Students are advised for success, based on academic strength, not necessarily for a 4-year plan.
-   Prerequisites may take more than one year to complete.

Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Both Tracks:


1st Semester Fall sh 2nd Semester Spring sh
RSP:2110  Pathology for Radiation Sciences (online) 2 RSP:3210  Medical Ethics & Law 2
RSP:2120  Patient Care for Radiation Sciences 3 RSCT:4100  Sect Anatomy for Imaging Sci (online) 3
STAT:1020  Elementary Stats and Inference* (3) RSCI:4130  ECG & Hemodynamics (online) 3
RSCI:4110  Vascular Anatomy (online) 3 RSMS:3110  Foundations of Sonography            3
CS:1020  Principles of Computing OR BAIS:1500  Business Computing Essentials* (2-3) RSMS:3111  Foundations of Sonography Lab 1
PSY:1010 Learning About Learning (1) RSMS:3115  DMS Clinical Internship I 1
Subtotal 8-15 Subtotal 13
    Total Sophomore 21-28

General & Vascular


1st Semester Fall sh 2nd Semester Spring sh
RSMS:3120  Abdominal Sonography I 3 RSMS:3230  Sonography Princ, Physics and Instr 3
RSMS:3121  Abdominal Sonography I Lab 1 RSMS:3231  Sonography Princ, Physics and Instr Lab 1
RSMS:3130  OB & Gyn Sonography I 3 RSMS:3240  Abdominal Sonography II 3
RSMS:3131  OB & Gyn Sonography I Lab 1 RSMS:3250  OB & Gyn Sonography II 3
RSMS:3140  Vascular Sonography I 3 RSMS:3270  Vascular Sonography II 3
RSMS:3141  Vascular Sonography I Lab 1 RSMS:3215  DMS Clinical Internship II 3
Subtotal 12 Subtotal 16
3rd Semester Summer      
RSMS:3325  Abdominal Sonography II Lab 1    
RSMS:3376  Vascular Sonography II Lab 1    
RSMS:3260  Breast Sonography* (online) 2    
RSMS:3300  Pediatric Sonography (online) 3    
RSMS:3315  DMS Clinical Internship III 3    
Subtotal 7-9 Total Junior 36-38


1st Semester Fall sh 2nd Semester Spring sh
RSMS:4110  Advanced Sonography  3 RSP:3220  Rad Sci QM & Healthcare Admin 2
RSMS:4111  Advanced Sonography Lab 1 RSMS:4220  Multidisciplinary Capstone Seminar 3
RSMS:4115  DMS Clinical Internship IV 5 RSMS:4215  DMS Clinical Internship V 5
RSP:4110  Research Methodologies for Rad Sci 3 RSRT:3220  Emotional Intelligence for Healthcare Professionals 2
Subtotal 12 Subtotal 12
    Total Senior 24
    Total DMS GEN/VASC 81

Cardiac & Vascular


1st Semester Fall sh 2nd Semester Spring sh
RSMS:3100  Cardiac Sonography I 3 RSMS:3230  Sonography Princ, Physics and Instr 3
RSMS:3101  Cardiac Sonography I Lab 2 RSMS:3231  Sonography Princ, Physics and Instr Lab 1
RSMS:3150  Cardiac Physiology & Hemodynamics 3 RSMS:3205  Cardiac Sonography II 3
RSMS:3140  Vascular Sonography I 3 RSMS:3206  Cardiac Sonography II Lab 1
RSMS:3141  Vascular Sonography I Lab 1 RSMS:3270  Vascular Sonography II 3
    RSMS:3215  DMS Clinical Internship II 3
Subtotal 12 Subtotal 14
3rd Semester Summer      
RSMS:3376  Vascular Sonography II Lab 1    
RSMS:3315  DMS Clinical Internship III 3    
RSMS:3305  Pediatric Cardiac Sonography* (online) (3)    
RSMS:3306  Pediatric Cardiac Sonography Lab* (1)    
Subtotal 4-8 Total Junior 30-34


1st Semester Fall sh 2nd Semester Spring sh
RSMS:4110  Advanced Sonography  3 RSP:3220  Rad Sci QM & Healthcare Admin 2
RSMS:4111  Advanced Sonography Lab 1 RSMS:4220  Multidisciplinary Capstone Seminar 3
RSMS:4120  Advanced Cardiac Sonography 3 RSMS:4215  DMS Clinical Internship V 5
RSMS:4121  Advanced Cardiac Sonography Lab 1 RSRT:3220  Emotional Intelligence for Healthcare Professionals 2
RSMS:4115  DMS Clinical Internship IV 5    
RSP:4110  Research Methodologies for Rad Sci 3    
Subtotal 16 Subtotal 12
    Total Senior 28

*Recommended, not required