2020 UI Health Care Distinguished Scholars

Date: Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Vice President for Medical Affairs announces the first awardees of the Distinguished Scholars Program. The goal of this program is to identify and support outstanding mid-career faculty who are becoming internationally recognized leaders in their respective fields of research. Each Distinguished scholar will be appointed for a 3-year term, receiving $200,000/year to support their expanding and innovative research program.  Later this year at a date to be determined, we will convene a celebratory function with short presentations by the Scholars on their current and future research.  Please join in congratulating our first cohort of UIHC Distinguished Scholars.

Christopher Ahern, PhD

Professor of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics

Dr. Ahern studies the structure, function and pharmacology of voltage-gated sodium channels that drive action-potentials throughout the body. His work incorporates technology for novel amino acid incorporation into proteins with work that extends into developing therapeutic treatments of a variety of diseases. 

Matthew Potthoff, PhD

Associate Professor of Neuroscience and Pharmacology

Dr. Potthoff studies energy homeostasis and metabolism, particularly in the liver.  In particular, Dr. Potthoff focuses on the many roles of  the liver hormone FGF21 in controlling multiple functions in a variety of tissues such as the central nervous system that may contribute to obesity and other metabolic diseases.

Maria Spies, PhD

Professor of Biochemistry

Dr. Spies investigates the molecular mechanisms that control the replication, recombination and repair of the human genome. Her high-resolution studies use a variety of protein structure approaches to provide important insights into how to improve repair of DNA lesions that  can otherwise lead to cancer and cell senescence.

David Stoltz, MD, PhD

Professor of Internal Medicine

Dr. Stoltz studies the pathogenesis of cystic fibrosis related airway disease.  Using advanced airway imaging modalities, transcriptomics, and unique model systems, Dr. Stoltz investigates functions of airway epithelial and smooth muscle in cystic fibrosis and during bacterial infection.

Samuel Young, PhD

Associate Professor of Anatomy and Cell Biology

Dr. Young's work focuses on understanding neuronal synapses, which convey communication between neurons. In particular, Dr. Young focuses on the role of calcium channels that control electrical activity at synapses and how their function is regulated by interaction with other cellular components. 

Jian Zhang, MD

Professor of Pathology

Dr. Zhang studies the immune system and aims to develop therapeutic strategies for a range of diseases including fungal infections, asthma, and multiple sclerosis. In particular, Dr. Zhang studies the activation and differentiation of T cells and how they are regulated by ubiquitin ligases.