See also: Iowa Otolaryngology Resident Handbook; Mandible fracture; Zygomatic Complex Fracture (Tripod Fracture); Laryngeal Fracture Plating; Closed Nasal Reduction
Facial Fracture Management Handbook
by Dr. Gerry Funk
This manual is written to be used as a rapid reference source in the management of facial bony trauma cases and to provide a sound knowledge base covering the pathophysiology resulting from these injuries. The first four sections should be read prior to the sections on the individual fractures. The first section presents an overview of the major pathophysiologic concerns in the facial trauma patient with related management considerations. The author's approach and method of examining the facial trauma patient is discussed in the second section. In the third section a very brief review of the evolution of facial fracture management is provided to give the reader an understanding of what has produced contemporary management approaches to facial fractures. The section on applied anatomy solidifies the connection between pathophysiologic concerns in facial bony trauma and the management of the actual fractures.
The remainder of the manual is directed at the practical management of the different fractures. Each individual fracture type is examined with a discussion of the pertinent anatomy, most frequent mechanism of injury, pertinent physical examination, emergent intervention, radiologic work up and definitive management. The material presented in these sections is comprehensive enough to provide clear direction to the house officer or practitioner while being in a form which allows easy and rapid access.