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Music and Coping with Hearing Loss

last modified on: Wed, 01/27/2021 - 20:06

Music and Coping with Hearing Loss

I can't hear musicI can't hear youSelf-advocacy

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Coping with Loss of Musical Enjoyment After Hearing Loss: Pages for People with Hearing Loss and Their Families

Pages for HA users

Pages for CI users

This link is designed primarily for people with hearing loss and their families. It provides information regarding emotional and social losses that accompany loss of music enjoyment for people with hearing loss. It also discusses how self-efficacy and self-advocacy can help to optimize their music experiences.


Coping with Loss of Musical Enjoyment After Hearing Loss: Pages for Audiologists Pages for audiologists

This link provides audiologists with information about emotional and social losses that accompany loss of music enjoyment for their patients with hearing loss. It also discusses the vital role of audiologists to foster self-efficacy and self-advocacy skills of their patients with hearing devices.


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