Coping with Loss of Musical Enjoyment After Hearing Loss:
Pages for People with Hearing Loss and Their Families
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These pages discuss:
Emotional and Social Losses that Accompany Loss of Music Enjoyment
This link describes 1) the emotional and social adjustments to losing music enjoyment and participation associated with hearing loss, 2) five psychosocial stages in dealing with hearing loss consequences of hearing loss, and 3) the next steps for successful integration into social experiences.
Self-efficacy: Coping with Hearing Loss and Stress
This link discusses 1) what self-efficacy is and 2) approaches to improve self-efficacy of hearing device users.
Self-advocacy: Sticking Up for Your Own Needs
This link describes 1) self-advocacy, 2) importance of self-advocacy in experiences with music, 3) characteristics of self-advocates, 4) steps to effective self-advocacy, 5) examples of self-advocacy in public places, and 6) additional resources for improving music listening.
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