Music Therapy Part 1: What is Music Therapy? Music and Medicine On MondayClick Here

Pages for Music Therapists: How to Use this Website

last modified on: Thu, 01/25/2024 - 16:00

See also: Articles on Music, Hearing Loss, and Hearing Devices Pages for music therapists



Webpages for Music Therapists:

How to Use This Website

Making a racketMusic therapyold man

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Q.  What is the purpose of this website? 

A.  The Music and Hearing Loss website provides information about various aspects of music and hearing loss. It is part of the Iowa Head and Neck Protocols, free access, curated website developed by the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. A detailed description of the Music and Hearing Loss pages is found at this link. Most web pages have been designed for (1) audiologists and otolaryngologists, (2) people who use cochlear implants or hearing aids, or (3) musicians who wish to prevent music-induced hearing loss.  These pages may also be useful to music therapists who work with people who have hearing loss.

Many music therapists work with clients who have hearing loss, especially those who serve older adults. Unfortunately, hearing loss can undermine music enjoyment in daily life or satisfactory participation in music therapy. Thus, the information on this website about optimizing music experiences for people with hearing loss is a useful clinical resource for music therapists who work with clients with hearing loss. Also, music therapists can gain information on how they, as musicians, might effectively prevent music-induced hearing loss. 


Q. What parts of this website might be useful to music therapists or their clients?  

A.  Music Therapists can use the following links to help their clients (1) to better understand the impact of hearing loss on music participation and listening, and (2) to improve the quality of musical sound during music listening and participation.  

B.  Music Therapists can use the following links for advice on how to protect their own hearing from music-induced hearing loss.  

C. Music Therapists who work with older adults can use these links for clinical suggestions for optimizing spoken and musical communication during music therapy. 



Wilhelm, L. A. (2016). Accessibility of music experiences for individuals with age-related hearing loss. [Doctoral dissertation, University of Iowa]. Iowa Research Online.

Wilhelm, L. A. (2020). Using contextual and visual cues to improve sung word recognition in hearing aid users. Journal of Music Therapy57(4), 379-405.

Gfeller, K. E., Darrow, A., & Wilhelm, L. A. (2018). Music therapy for persons with sensory loss. In Knight, A. J., LaGasse, A. B., & Clair, A. A. (Eds.), Music therapy: An introduction to the profession (pp. 217-233). American Music Therapy Association.


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