Endoscopic Laser Lithotripsy
Sialendoscopy Preoperative Nursing Teaching (Transoral Salivary Gland Endoscopy)
Parotid Sialodochoplasty Surgical Exposure - Set Up for Endoscopic Removal of Parotid Gland Stone
Parotid Stone Removal - Transoral (Endoscopic) Laser with Ductoplasty
Parotid Salivary Stone Lased - Holmium Laser for Endoscopic Treatment of Sialolithiais
Ultrasound Sialography (Ultrasound With Salivary Duct Infusion)
Salivary stent for parotid duct stricture with parotid stone (sialolithiasis)
Sialendoscopy After Parotid Stone Fragmentation with Transillumination Composite
Open (Transfacial) Approach to Parotid Stones
Complication from open parotid ductoplasty for stone with parotid cutaneous fistula
Sialogram Sequence ~ 8 years After Parotod Stone Removal (Open Approach)
Combined Open and Endoscopic Removal of Parotid Stone (sialendoscopy case example)
Complication from open (transfacial) approach to parotid stone removal
Open Approaches to Parotid Stones and Lab Preparation Missouri Sialendoscopy Course April 17 2015
Parotid stone and polyp removal through open approach
Parotid stone removed through open facial approach
Salivary Gland Preservation Surgery 13 mm Parotid Stone
Parotid Gland Accessory Lobe and Facial Process - Management Considerations