The following are popular I.T. services available for Carver College of Medicine students. A complete listing of services is available through our A-Z listing.
Computer-based Exams
This service provides the capability to assess student performance using computer based exams. Exams can be tailored using several different question types, and can include audio clips and images. Student results are kept indefinitely and are backed up on multiple secure servers. Exams are controlled by a variety of methods, namely, use of a secure browser, scrambling questions, and use of a timer.
Desktop Service
This service provides desktop support to all college personnel. Our desktop staff will troubleshoot and resolve I.T. issues elevated to them from the Healthcare Information Systems Help Desk. Support personnel will prioritize requests and facilitate the most efficient and effective solution to your I.T. issues.
Use of Healthcare e-mail is the preferred service in the college; however, we realize there are some with the necessity to use HAWK mail. Both services provide email and calendaring to all users. You can schedule meetings with faculty, staff and students. Using Microsoft Exchange 2010, you can create and manage tasks, store contacts, synchronize information with mobile devices and access information using Outlook Web Access.
Iowa Courses Online (ICON)
This service provides administrative support for ICON (Iowa Courses Online), the interactive web space for University of Iowa courses. Using ICON, faculty/staff can setup a course space that students can use to view content, download material, engage in discussion groups, submit assignments, take quizzes, check grades, and collaborate with one another.
I.T. Consulting
This service focuses on advising faculty, staff and students about the IT services available to them. In addition to providing advice and making recommendations, the service also assists with planning, deploying and implementing new IT services.
Mobile Device Support
This service provides UI Healthcare staff, patients and visitors assistance with mobile devices including smartphones, laptops and iDevices through a variety of ways including DYI directions and Drop-By Services.
Student Response System (clickers)
This service provides the capability to receive immediate student feedback by "polling" students inside or outside of your Microsoft PowerPoint presentation. The use of these "clicker" devices can make your classes more interactive, facilitate discussion, and help guide your lectures. The Carver College of Medicine has purchased 200 of these devices for your use in classroom presentation.
UI Capture
This service provides the capability to record (capture) what happens in classrooms, conference rooms, and office computers and make it available digitally. Examples are lectures, meetings and conferences. Captures in their simplest form are audio recordings, however, the capability exists to capture audio, along with a presentation and a video where available.