Healthcare Delivery Science, Management and Policy Distinction

Co-Director, Alan Reed, MD, MBA
Co-Director, Hugh Hansen, MS

Purpose of the Healthcare Delivery Science, Management and Policy Distinction Track:

To expose medical students to the innovations and integrations of healthcare delivery outside of direct medical care. Partnering with faculty from the Tippie College of Business and the College of Public Health, this track will enrich the Carver College of Medicine’s core curriculum by offering students a program geared toward producing physician leaders of tomorrow. This track focuses on the following medical education program core competency and medical education program objective (SBP01):

System Based Practice (SBP). Develop a system-based practice approach to patient care as manifested by actions that demonstrate an awareness of, and responsiveness to, the larger context of health care. This includes developing skills to effectively call on system resources to provide optimal health.

  • SBP01 Understand factors that affect access to and delivery of healthcare and the patient-doctor relationship including cultural, environmental, socioeconomic, policies, financing and healthcare systems.

Healthcare Delivery Science, Management and Policy Distinction Track Learning Objectives:

  • Explain the interactions between healthcare policy and the larger cultural, economic and political context
  • Explore how the cultural, economic and political environments affect healthcare delivery
  • Discuss approaches to optimize healthcare policy and delivery


Successful completion of the distinction track includes attending weekend seminars.  Topics are rotated on a 3-year basis, without repeats. Previous seminars offered include:  Advocacy, E-Health, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Healthcare Analytics and Biomedical Informatics, Leading Highly Effective Teams, Legal Issues, Managerial Accounting, Negotiations, Operations Management, Personal Finance, Policy, Strategic Talent Management.

  • Completing educational blocks over 3.5 years of medical school
    • Blocks consist of pre-session independent study, a didactic session, and post-session activities
    • Didactic sessions last approximately four hours and require in-person attendance
    • All requirements must be met to receive credit for a block
    • Four blocks are offered every year – two in fall; two in spring
    • Students must complete a minimum of 9/12 blocks, but are strongly encouraged to complete 12/12
  • Completion of one of three advanced electives
    • Leadership for Future Healthcare Professionals 
    • Financial Management for the Rising Intern
    • Health Policy Advocacy
  • Engaging in a Capstone Project – physician mentor directed
    • Project centered around one or more of the education session topics
    • Option to participate in a month-long policy elective in Des Moines
    • Approval of project by Healthcare Delivery Science, Management and Policy Board
    • Summary of project submitted to Healthcare Delivery Science, Management and Policy Board
    • Oral presentation to HDSMP faculty and students.

Application Process

A mandatory informational meeting occurs in the Spring semester of M1 year with an application sent to attendees.  Accepted students enter the track in late Spring of M1 year.  Dual degree students must apply and be admitted to the track at least 3 years prior to graduation. 

Program Benefits

  • Learn basic skills that are used frequently in healthcare leadership positions
  • Network with physician leaders both at the UIHC and beyond
  • Earn certificate of completion awarded from the Tippie College of Business
  • Healthcare Delivery Science, Management and Policy Distinction Track completion will be noted on transcript and in the MSPE
  • A record of completion of the program will be submitted for inclusion in the award section of the graduation program
  • Identify early interest future potential degree opportunities: MBA, Masters in Health Care Delivery

Faculty Project Submission

Faculty interested in collaborating with students may submit their project by emailing The listing of projects will be made available to all students enrolled in the distinction track.

If you have any questions please contact:

HDSMP Student Leadership Board

Alan Reed, MD MBA
(319) 356-0537

Hugh Hansen, MS
(319) 335-7691