
Harrison Cater is the third generation of his family to enroll in the physician assistant program at the University of Iowa, but the decision to follow in the footsteps of his father and grandfather was anything but easy. Witnessing how crucial patient rapport was throughout his father's PA career, Cater initially hesitated, as he didn’t see himself as a “people person.” Over time, he intentionally built the skills he would need to succeed in the field.
Emma Luhmann didn't consider herself a "science person" when she started college. Now she's starting her PhD at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine after discovering a passion for mass spectrometry while working in the UI lab of Lilliana Radoshevich, PhD.
Skylar McCaulley has dreamed of being a physician since he was a child. Several members of his immediate family—his father, one sister, and one brother—live with Type 1 diabetes, and witnessing their health care experiences piqued his interest in medicine. He was building the path to that dream when, on August 13, 2021, everything changed.
Will Sgrignoli turned 30 the same month he started medical school. But that’s not the only thing that makes his path to medicine look a little different from those of his classmates; he is also pivoting from a career as a Navy physical therapist.
Now in its 15th year, the FUTURE in Biomedicine program fosters research and learning partnerships with professors from Iowa colleges that do not offer doctoral programs. By opening up University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine lab space, technology, and expertise each summer to research teams from other colleges, the program seeks to enhance cross-institutional collaboration and invite fresh ideas and perspectives. Two of this summer’s researchers—Nandakumar Narayanan, MD, PhD, from the University of Iowa, and Terence Moriarty, PhD, of the University of Northern Iowa—discuss their experience collaborating through the program.
Joseph Zabner, MD, professor of internal medicine, has had an impressive career as a physician-scientist—but he is also well-known for inspiring colleagues, students, and trainees.
The Carver College of Medicine End-of-Year Awards are a student-nominated effort to honor fellow students, trainees, staff, and faculty whose valued contributions to the collegiate community exemplify the college’s commitment to excellence in education.
Denise Jamieson, MD, MPH, begins August 1, 2023 as University of Iowa vice president for medical affairs and the Tyrone D. Artz Dean of the UI Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine.
The University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine will host the 6th annual Carver Black and Gold Mile Run from 8 to 10 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 24, at the university’s Francis X. Cretzmeyer Track, 105 1st Ave. in Coralville.