
Imagine a neurosurgeon completing a complicated, 10-hour surgery without ever looking directly at the patient’s brain or the tumor that’s being removed.
Brian Dlouhy, assistant professor of neurosurgery and member of the Pappajohn Biomedical Institute, has been named the first Getch Scholar by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke and the Congress of Neurosurgeons.
The recent Ebola outbreak in West Africa has claimed more than 11,300 lives and starkly revealed the lack of effective options for treating or preventing the disease. Progress has been made on developing vaccines, but there is still a need for antiviral therapies to protect health care workers and local populations in the event of future outbreaks.
A University of Iowa study that included more than 21,000 women with stage IV breast cancer finds that survival has improved over the past two and a half decades and is increasingly of prolonged duration, particularly for some women undergoing initial breast surgery. The findings were published...
Do know of a faculty colleague who has demonstrated excellence in teaching, scholarship, and service or such outstanding accomplishments in one or more of the areas? If you wish to nominate or suggest a faculty colleague for the Regents Award for Faculty Excellence, partner with the colleague’s...
Thursday, October 22, 2015 Congratulations to Carver College of Medicine Grant Awardees from August-September 2015! Name Department Sponsor Proposal Title Allen, Lee-Ann 3215 - Internal Medicine US Department of Health & Human Services, National Institutes of Health Neutrophil Plasticity and H...
Grant Awardees May-July 2015
The Crystallography Core has acquired the TTP Labtech’s Dragonfly, a new, fast liquid handling system with disposable positive-displacement pipette tips that can handle any liquid-type independent of viscosity with no cross-contamination.
Grant Awardees March-April 2015
Established by the Fraternal Order of the Eagles Diabetes Research Center, the Metabolic Phenotyping Coreoffers an expanding repertoire of services for measuring metabolic output in cells and animals.