Frequently Asked Questions - Faculty Members

I am invited to an orientation. Didn't I just attend that?

There are three orientations that faculty new to the College/University are strongly encouraged to attend. One is the University of Iowa Orientation for Benefits.  Notification comes directly from the University Benefits Office.  Another is the Collegiate Orientation held twice a year that will introduce the new faculty member to various roles of the college and how they will affect the faculty.  The third is held by the Provost of the University, typically just before the start of the academic year.  This is a welcome from the Provost and an introduction to the University of Iowa faculty life.

What are the deadlines for promotion?

Proscribed deadlines are listed below.  Because earlier deadlines may be set by each department, faculty members should contact the departmental administrative office to confirm these dates.

  • September 1:  Faculty member notifies DEO of desire to be considered for promotion.
  • September 15:  Dossier due from faculty member to DEO.
  • September 30:  List of names of possible reviewers due from faculty member to DEO.

How do I sign up for phased retirement?

Complete the form "Request to Participate in the Phased Retirement Program" located on the University Benefits Web site.  Please note that while the University allows up to a 5 year phased retirement maximum, UI Health Care only allows for phasing up to 3 years.

I need a letter from the Dean for my medical license renewal application. Do I send my renewal application packet directly to the Dean's Office?

No, please notify your departmental administrator about your medical license expiration and he/she will submit the request for a Dean letter to the Office of Faculty Affairs and Development via email address:  It is important that the renewal application packet be submitted to the Iowa Board of Medical Examiners AFTER the Dean's letter has been signed and mailed.  Recent conversations with the IBME office has revealed that renewal applications are returned unapproved if the Dean letter is not either already on file or submitted with the application packet.