University of Iowa Conflicts of Commitment and Interest Policy
The University of Iowa strives to ensure that its academic, health care, business, research, and teaching endeavors are conducted in a manner free of potential or actual conflicts of interest. A conflict exists whenever personal, professional, commercial, or financial interests or activities outside of the University have the possibility (either in actuality or in appearance) of:
- interfering with UI employees' ability to fulfill their employment obligations;
- compromising a faculty or staff member's professional judgment;
- biasing research or compromising, or giving the appearance of compromising, the sound professional judgment of its investigators; or
- resulting in personal gain for the employee or employee's immediate family, at the expense of the University and/or the state.
Given the breadth of activities conducted in fulfillment of the University’s mission, unique policies govern key areas of the University enterprise. Disclosure, review, and management are critical to the application of the following Conflicts of Commitment and Interest policies. Under these policies, few activities that represent, or appear to represent, a conflict are actually prohibited. Rather, the rules require conflicts to be disclosed, reviewed, and managed appropriately.
For more information on the University of Iowa Conflict of Commitment/ Interest Policy please visit the Provost Office website.
UIHC Conflict of Interest Policy
The success of University of Iowa Health Care depends on a talented and creative faculty and staff who earn regional, national, and international recognition for their contributions to teaching, research, clinical care, and the advancement of their diverse clinical and scientific specialties. As a result of their expertise and experience, faculty and staff have opportunities to engage in professional activities with commercial entities, professional and scientific organizations and journals, as well as other universities and governmental agencies. Such activities can help faculty and staff develop their knowledge and skills; contribute to the growth and development of their area of expertise; enhance the academic and clinical missions of the department, college, and university; and improve patient care. Participation in these activities may also create real and/or perceived conflicts of interest and conflicts of commitment. For the reasons outlined, University of Iowa Health Care must continue to make it possible for faculty and staff to advance teaching, service, and research through collaborations with industry in a manner that avoids real or perceived conflicts of interest or commitment.
For more information on the UHIC Conflict of Interest Policy please click here.
****To complete the Conflict of Interest training please access ICON via Employee Self Service.