Faculty Committees

Major Standing Committees

Admissions Committee

The purpose of this committee is to fulfill the mission of the Carver College of Medicine by selecting outstanding applicants for admission.  Admissions Committee has a total of 30 voting members: 25 CCOM faculty members, four CCOM students, and one community physician.

Appeals Committee

Medical students have the right to appeal a negative promotion decision.  Appeals are considered by the Appeals Committee, made up of faculty representation from the Medical Council and Executive Committee, a medical student, and a lay member.  The committee makes its recommendation to the college's Dean, who is the final authority.

Assessment Committee

Voting members shall consist of the Director of the Office of Consultation and Research in Medical Education (OCRME), up to 3 additional members from OCRME with evaluation expertise appointed by the Director, an Assistant or Associate Dean from the Office of Student Affairs and Curriculum, a Student Member, the Clinical Skills Assessment Director, the Associate Director of Pre-Clinical Curriculum, a representative for the clinical phases curriculum, the CCOM Registrar, a current or recent Course Director from the Pre-Clinical Curriculum, a current or recent Clerkship Director from the Iowa City campus, a Clerkship Director from the Des Moines branch campus, and a Strand Director.  Meetings will be held at least monthly throughout the academic year at a time and place to decided by the committee chair(s).

Biomedical Research Training and Professional Development Committee

This committee sets overarching agenda and policy for the Biomedical Science Graduate Program.  Enhances recruitment and retention of underrepresented in biomedical sciences.  Supports efforts to improve research training by involving undergraduate, graduate, post graduate students, and faculty in education and biomedical workforce issues.  In consultation with CCOM Dean’s Office, establishes policies regarding stipend and duration of financial support.  Members meet in person a minimum of monthly, more often if needed (normally 14-18 times/year).

Clinical Experiences Committee

Voting members shall consist of all required and selective Clerkship Directors (including clerkship directors at the Des Moines branch campus), the Chair of the Clinical Experiences (CEC) committee, four students, the Associate Director of the Clinical Curriculum, and the Assistant Dean of the Des Moines Branch Campus or their representative.  Meetings will typically be held twice monthly throughout the academic year at a time and place to be decided by the committee chair in consultation with committee membership.

Collegiate Executive Committee

The Carver College of Medicine Executive Committee is comprised of both elected and appointed representatives of basic sciences and clinical departments in the College. All members are full professors and represent the clinical and tenure track. The committee meets quarterly to discuss issues within the College. The committee also serves as the Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee for the College.

Further membership information, powers, and duties of the Carver College of Medicine Executive Committee are detailed in the Collegiate Manual of Procedures, Article II.

Collegiate Teaching Award Review Committee

Collegiate Teaching Award Review Committee shall consist of faculty representatives who have either been past recipients of the award, or who have been identified by the Chair of the department to participate in the committee. Terms of service is typically three (3) years.

Faculty Affairs Advisory Committee

The Faculty Affairs Advisory Committee shall consist representatives from departments who have been identified by the Chair as the person responsible for faculty related activities within the department.  In some cases this person may be the chair of the department.  All members are appointed. 

Medical Arts and Sciences Committee

Faculty group tasked with implementing, managing, and reviewing the pre-clinical curriculum.  Voting members shall consist of all course directors for all required courses in the pre-clerkship curriculum, Chair of Medical Arts and Sciences committee, three students, and the Associate Director of the Pre-Clinical Curriculum.  Meetings will typically be held at least monthly throughout the academic year.

Medical Education Council

The purpose of the Medical Education Council (MEC) was approved by the Dean as the central authority for curriculum development, implementation and evaluation by the Medical Council. The MEC will consult with departmental DEOs, the Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education, the Office of Consultation and Research in Medical Education (OCRME) or others as indicated.  The term of appointment for faculty is three years.  Information about the duties and responsibilities, as well as the membership voting process can be found at the link below.

Medical Student Promotions Committee

The purpose of the Medical Student Promotions Committee is to ensure that each person who graduates from The University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine has adequate skills, knowledge, and judgment to assume the responsibilities of a medical doctor.  Faculty members of the committee shall represent both the basic science and the clinical departments.   Two members shall be from basic science departments and two shall be from clinical departments. Faculty members on the Student Promotions Committee shall not be members of the Executive Committee nor shall they be members of the Appeals Committee.   The term of appointment for faculty is three years Faculty members are appointed by the Associate Dean for Student Affairs. 

Research Advisory Committee

The Carver College of Medicine Research Advisory Committee is composed of faculty and administrators who are involved in a wide variety of research areas.  The mission of the team ranges from: setting strategic goals for research, operationalizing goals, create an effective communication plan across the various areas of research at CCOM (newsletter). The group meets bi-monthly.

Strand Director Committee

The CCOM curriculum is comprised of 3 curricular strands: Clinical and Professional Skills,  Medicine and Society, Mechanisms of Health and Disease. One or two faculty members direct each strand and work collaboratively with course and clerkship directors to ensure adequate content coverage and horizontal and vertical integration.