Recent Recordings of Professional Development Courses

Writing for Publication

A clear and reasoned presentation of ideas is critical to the success of a scientific manuscript. This seminar examines the structures and positions of emphasis in the sentence, paragraph, and sections of the formal study to help authors authorize their claims. Addresses how to deconstruct an article and use it as a guide to inform manuscripts for submission. Includes a test of reasoning that authors can apply to the articles they read and the papers they write. 
The session also addresses how authors can use writing as a tool for thinking, as well as how to implement a systematic approach to the writing process to improve the content and presentation of data and ideas. Includes suggestions about how to address the needs of the reviewers, editors, and readers of a journal to maximize your chances of publication.

Writing Effective NIH Grant Applications

This course reviews the principles of good grant writing to produce clear, direct, and compelling proposals. Focuses on understanding the psychology of reviewers and the review process, how to engage readers and facilitate understanding, and how to manage the proposal writing process. Suggests proposal templates. Includes exercises related to specific elements of a proposal, particularly the Specific Aims page.
Provides specific direction on how to best organize and format NIH applications for reader accessibility and impact, including information on
• Assessing an institute or grantor’s priorities
• Deconstructing RFAs, application instructions, project descriptions, model grant applications
• Emphasizing the significance, innovation, and health-relatedness of your project
• Taking advantage of the natural positions of emphasis in the sentence and paragraph
• Designing and integrating clear and purposeful tables and figures
• Using subheadings, numbering systems, and figure legends effectively
• Telling the story and using other journalistic conventions
• Networking with colleagues, collaborators, consultants, mentors, and NIH program officers
• Using the reviewer critique criteria as “sentence starters” for the information you need to include

Speaking for Success: Strategies for Effective Medical and Scientific Presentations

This course reviews how adults learn as a means to examine the effective delivery techniques you can use to engage scientific and clinical peer audiences. Provides practical information on how to deliver powerful oral presentations in the classroom, the conference room, the auditorium, and at the regional or national meeting, as well as in poster sessions, over virtual platforms (such as Zoom), and during informal conversations with colleagues and potential collaborators.
Includes a discussion of voice, inflection, body language, techniques to stimulate interest and involvement, and strategies to help facilitate audience recall of the message. Addresses how to prepare for a presentation, how to manage anxiety, and how to design and use visual aids effectively.