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Management of Salivary Duct Stenosis (Parotid Duct Stricture - Submandibular Duct Stricture)

Return to: Salivary Duct Stenosis (or click for more detail: Etiology / Diagnosis / Classification

A. Duct dilation

        Mechanical (ballon, sialendoscope, bougie) Parotid duct stricture sialoballon dilation with fluoroscopy and ultrasound

        Hydrostatic (instillation of saline / kenalog / radiocontrast (Diggelmann 2015) Submandibular sialogram ductal strictureNormal Submandibular Sialogram Sequence

B. Observation with intermittent medical therapy (steroids/antibiotics/botox)

C. Parotidectomy (Marcus KS, Zhu VL et al 2020) Sialogram showing distal ductal stricture treated with parotidectomySjogren's Syndrome ( Sjögrens ) with Sialolithiasis Treated with Bilateral Parotidectomy

D. Ductoplasty with or without stenting Salivary Ultrasound Sonopalpation for Stone Favorable for Transoral Removal

E. Duct reconstruction (vein graft)

F. Tympanic neurectomy

G. Botulinum neurotoxin 

        a. Ductal infusion (Schwalje 2019) Botulinum neurotoxin infusion to the parotid via Stensen's duct Research protocol (IRB approved)

        b. Ultrasound guided needle injection Botox injection to salivary glands for hypersalivation

H. Conservative Treatment

         a. Hydration / Avoid Drying Agents / Intermittent oral antibiotics/steroids

         b. Gland massage:

               i. Parotid - Salivary gland massage (parotid massage technique demonstrated) 

               ii. Submandibular - Submandibular Gland Massage (Clinical Exam) Impact of BotulinumToxin (Botox) Ductal Insufflation

I. Other (see: Ultrasound aided parotid ductoplasty - sialodochoplasty)

Outcome Analysis

Plonoswska, Ochaoa, Ryan and Chang (Plonaowska 2020) - compared conservative treatment with sialendoscpy-assisted salivary duct surgery (SASDS) to manage chronic sialadenitis without sialolithiasis

  1. SADS included various combinations of sialodochotomy with sialodochoplasty; balloon dilation; application of diluted triamcinolone; stent placement; botulinum injection for refractory sialadenitis symptoms
  2. Conservative management included counseling about gland massage; oral hydration; avoidance of drying medications
  3. COSS (Chronic Obstructive Sialadenitis Symptoms) questionnaire administered at initial consultation and 3,6,9,12 and >12 months after (exclude irradiation/previous duct surgery/evidence of sialolithiasis)
  4. The intermittent and cyclical pattern of obstructive symptoms warrant assessments at multple time points after treatment
  5. Patients treated with SASDS improved symptom scores and reduced symptom severity at 6 month followup compared to those treated conservatively


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Foggia MJ, Peterson J, Maley J, Policeni B, Hoffman HT. Sialographic analysis of parotid ductal abnormalities associated with Sjogren's syndrome. Oral Dis. 2020 Jul;26(5):912-919. doi: 10.1111/odi.13298. Epub 2020 Mar 3. PMID: 32031309.

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Goates AJ, Kung RW, Tracy CR, Hoffman HT. Intraductal Laser Fiber Tip Fracture and Retrieval During Sialendoscopic Laser-Assisted Lithotripsy. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2017 Nov;126(11):774-777. doi: 10.1177/0003489417728736. Epub 2017 Sep 12. PMID: 28895432.

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