The Carver College of Medicine curriculum consists of three phases:
- Phase 1 (pre-clinical): Semesters 1-3
- Phase 2 (core clerkships): Semesters 4-5
- Phase 3 (advanced): Semesters 6-8
The Clinical Skills Assessment Program is heavily involved with Phases 1 and 2.
Phase 1
- Multiple facilitator-led small group sessions allow students to work through a patient scenario(s) to practice targeted communication skills, such as establishing rapport, asking open-ended questions, and expressing empathy.
- Students learn to offer feedback and receive it from their peers, their facilitator, and the SP
- Students participate in small group sessions and learn systems-based physical exam skills in a hands-on setting
- Physical Exam Teaching Associates (PETAs) are an elite group of specially and rigorously trained SPs. PETAs offer guidance and education on patient-centered topics, such as effective draping, asking for permission, etc
- Individual one-on-one interactions with an SP during which students practice targeted skills for each session and receive individualized patient-centered feedback
- End of semester OSCEs for all three Phase 1 semesters
- Students demonstrate multiple clinical and communication skills through a variety of tasks and stations
- Students are scored in these stations and these scores are used as a part of the course grade
Phase 2
Education Days
- Facilitator-led small group sessions
- Students work through more advanced scenarios and practice more complex communication skills
- Feedback is provided by peers, clinical and communication facilitators, and the SPs
- Suicide Risk Assessment
- Sexual History
- Shared Decision Making
Multi-station OSCEs
- Occurs toward the end of 6 core clerkships. Students work in realistic clinical settings in a realistic time frame. Clinical reasoning and communication skills are used to work through clerkship-specific clinical scenarios and relevant tasks such as interpreting laboratory data and writing patient notes.
- Family Medicine
- Internal Medicine
- Obstetrics-Gynecology
- Pediatrics
- Psychiatry
- Surgery
- Clerkship OSCEs are required by the core clerkships listed above
- Scores are used in the calculation of clerkship grades
- Missed OSCEs are required to be made up in later blocks before a final grade can be assigned
- Clerkship OSCEs are collegiate requirements and are used in part to determine students' readiness for the Phase 3 curriculum