First Year (CHO 1) Overview


  • 1st semester:  Discussions sessions will focus on a variety of topics relevant to community health (health systems, outreach to marginalized populations, effective community heatlh interventions, etc).  Speakers will include health care professionals, community organization representatives, and community members.  Students will have the opportunity to discuss and reflect on these topics with their peers.
  • 2nd semester:  In addition to sessions arranged by Course Directors, students will work in groups or individually to plan and present class sessions on topics based on their own interests, relevant to CHO goals.  Students will also begin exploration of service project to be planned and implemented in CHO 2.

Volunteering:  Students will participate in individual and group volunteer experiences in order to gain exposure to community outreach.  Students will volunter for a least 9 hours each semester with organizations of their choosing. 

Schedule: CHO will meet for an hour once a week over the lunch hour; sessions will not conflict with other classes. Students may need to review reading materials shared by presenters before the discussion sessions.

Attendance/grading policy: The course is graded Pass/Fail based on class attendance (required) and meeting the volunteer requirement. Any non-emergency absences must be approved in advance by the course Directors or Supervisor.