A medical student has designated you to be their mentor for the Research Distinction Track (RDT). The Medical Student Research Council is requesting that you send a nomination letter for each student you are mentoring.
The letter of nomination will give the Council an idea of the mentor/student researcher relationship, current and future projects, and will help the student formulate a better research plan for the future. Example RDT Nomination letter.pdf
Please send a brief nomination letter for your student that includes:
- Student’s name
- Length of time you’ve known the student
- Number of weeks the student has participated in research with you
- Current project
- Plan for future research related activities. This would be a description of ongoing activities outside of the formal research time in which the student participates in things such as: attending local or national conferences; attending local journal clubs in your department; attending lab meetings or regular meetings with you; spending time working on writing a manuscript, etc.
- Indication that you agree to work closely with the student in this endeavor until graduation
- Your signature, name, and departmental affiliation(s)
Please address your nomination letter to Dr. Robert Roghair, Director - Iowa Medical Student Research Program, and upload it through the online application at https://webapps1.healthcare.uiowa.edu/ResearchDistinctionTrack/.
Any questions regarding the RDT can be directed via email to MedicalStudentResearchProgram@healthcare.uiowa.edu.