Participants' Responsibilities


  • Provide guidance to the student in their service opportunity search
  • Meet with the student in person once per semester to reflectively discuss volunteer experiences and impact
  • Assist the student in creating a service project plan that enhances existing services and/or fulfills a service need
  • Provide email correspondence to the student during the year as they work through their track experiences (volunteer, clinical and elective)

Student Responsibilities/Timeline

Year One

  • Explore your interest through elective courses--(CHO I, II, III) or Global Health Electives (Global Health Issues I, II and Global Health Seminar)
  • Apply for the track (due by end of spring semester)
  • Meet with track director to discuss volunteer experiences, track requirements and mentor search
  • Begin volunteer service
  • Begin elective experiences (strongly recommend taking at least one during preclinical phase)
  • Consider summer service work through Proteus, MECO, Global Health Program, or relevant research

Year Two

  • Continue volunteer service
  • Continue/Complete elective experiences
  • Continue/Complete clinical experiences
  • Complete a yearly reflection (due in January)
  • Establish a mentor and meet to discuss volunteer experiences, possible project focus, and overall goals with the track (due by May 1)

Year Three

  • Continue volunteer service
  • Continue mentor meetings
  • Continue/Complete elective experiences
  • Continue/Complete clinical experiences
  • Complete a yearly reflection
  • Begin working with an agency/organization in the community to idetify a need that your Capstone Project can aim to meet

Year Four

  • Final capstone project proposal due to SDT council for approval (due July 15; feedback and resubmittion possible)
  • Notification of "on track" for graduation with SDT for MSPE letters (September)
  • Fulfill Capstone Project proposal plan
  • Complete volunteer service hours and reflectionsComplete mentor meetings
  • Complete clinical and elective experiences
  • Complete a yearly reflection
  • Final Capstone Project paper due to SDT council (due March 15)
  • Director notifies Registrar of Service Distinction (April)
  • Capstone Project presentations (May, typiclly week before graduation)