Scientific Careers Retreat - November 3, 2023

Speaker Slides

File 2023.11.03 Univ Iowa SCR_NUeno.pptx

PDF icon 2023.11.04 Scientific Careers Retreat.GSM_.pdf

File Gulllicksrud23.11.03 Iowa talk.pptx

File PetruccelliScienceCareerRetreat_IA2023.pptx

File Josh Powell UIowa talk v2.pptx

Email  if you want the other speaker's slides.


PDF icon Full Scientific Careers Retreat Program

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This Retreat introduces the spectrum of scientific careers available in the biomedical sciences. It will showcase a panel discussing their professional experiences and career opportunities in the scientific community.

Scientific Careers Retreat - Friday, November 3, 2023, 9:30 am – 5:30 pm,  in 283 Eckstein Medical Research Building (EMRB), Seebohm Conference Room


9:30 AM

Welcome Message

9:45 AM

Lisa Ridnour, PhD (Cancer Innovation Laboratory, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health)

10:15 AM

Emily Petruccelli, PhD (Assistant Professor, S. Illinois. University)

10:45 AM Coffee Break
11:00 AM

Nori Ueno, PhD (Associate Director of Business Development, Cell and Gene Therapy, Mission Bio)

11:30 AM

Christopher Vakulskas, PhD (Senior Director, IDT Technologies)


Lunch in the EMRB Atrium (wear your badge)

1:00 PM

Josh Powell, PhD (Scientific Review Officer, National Institutes of Health)

1:30 PM

Gabriel Starbeck-Miller, PhD (Principal Scientist, Pfizer Inc.) 

2:00 PM


2:15 PM

Jodi Gullicksrud, PhD (Scientific Editor, Immunity. Cell Press)

2:45 PM

Drew Masada (Deputy Team Chief, Office of Cooperative Threat Reduction, US Department of State)

3:15 PM

Panel Discussion

3:45 PM

Closing Remarks

4:00 PM

Social - Light Reception  in EMRB Atrium

6:00 PM

Speaker dinners with trainees and other attendees  

This symposium is co-sponsored by the following NIH-funded T32 Training Programs: Interdisciplinary Immunology Postdoctoral Training Program, Predoctoral Training Program in Genetics, Predoctoral Training Program in Immunology, Mechanisms of Health and Disease at the Behavioral-Biomedical Interface, Training in Molecular Virology, Viral Pathogenesis and Viral Vectors, Training Program in Free Radical and Radiation Biology, Predoctoral Training in the Pharmacological Sciences, Interdisciplinary Training Program in Pain Research, Training in Mechanisms of Parasitism, Neuroscience Training Program. We appreciate the financial support from the National Institutes of Health, the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, and NIH-funded T32 Training Programs.