Tips for working remotely

Whether you are running a meeting or simply a participant, here some suggestions for how to have a more successful online meeting experience.

Best practices for online meetings

Before the meeting

  • Practice. The more you practice, the better the experience will be.
  • Test your microphone and speakers. Volume can be controlled by your computer and the application, make sure you know where both controls are located.
  • Learn the interface.
  • Communicate ground rules to participants. Do you want video?  Do you want them to raise their hands? Do you want them to use the chat session?

During the meeting

  • If your meeting is more than a few people, it is a good idea to mute all participants.
  • Have participants raise their hand to speak.
  • For large meetings/classes, recommend a two-person approach to running the meeting/class. One to cover the material, a second person monitor the chat activity and control microphones.
  • Use the chat sidebar function to monitor questions and answer without disrupting the flow of discussion.
  • Select the gallery view so that you can see the faces of all the persons who are using video to call in.
  • If you are working from home, close the door to the room to muffle household activity.

If you have further questions, watch this video on how to schedule a Zoom meeting.

Technology options

What equipment do I need?

  • Desktop, laptop, tablet, smartphone. For best results on a tablet or smartphone, download the application.
  • Internet connection
  • Headset for best quality. A simple microphone also works.
  • Camera (if video is desired)

Links to equipment options

Support links

University of Iowa support links

Zoom support links

Adobe Creative Cloud

Adobe Creative Cloud licenses for students are ready for use. Resources for installing and using these applications are listed below.

Adobe Creative Cloud licenses are set to expire on Sunday, May 31 and will be revoked at that time without notice from Adobe.

Other resources

If you are UI Health Care employee, view other resources on The Loop.