
Meet Kevin Legge, PhD, a professor of pathology and microbiology and immunology.
Meet David Price, PhD, professor of biochemistry.
Meet Daniel Hyer, PhD, associate professor of radiation oncology.
Meet Jason Wilbur, MD, clinical professor of family medicine.
Get to know current graduate student Ellen Kiser.
Li Wu, PhD, from Ohio State University, has been named chair and departmental executive officer of the Carver College of Medicine Department of Microbiology and Immunology, effective Nov. 1.
Each September, the American Medical Association (AMA) recognizes Women in Medicine. This is an opportunity to showcase the accomplishments of women physicians as well as highlight advocacy related to women and health issues impacting women patients. This year, UI Health Care is celebrating our...
Scientists have identified a class of drugs that may have potential to treat a rare and deadly form of brain cancer that affects young children.
Growing up in the small town of Mount Vernon, Iowa, Megan Cannon had always been interested in math and science. As she progressed through high school, becoming a physician assistant (PA) became a clear career ambition, but an interest in nutrition in college had her following a different path.
The summer before students start medical school typically gives them one final time to relax prior to beginning their intense workload. However, students who might feel intimidated about starting their journey can apply for the Introduction to Medical Education at Iowa (IMEI) , which prepares...