UI cardiologist authors AHA recommendations for treating inherited heart conditions

Ferhaan Ahmad, MD, PhD, associate professor of internal medicine, led the group that wrote the American Heart Association's recent recommendation to create clinical programs that take advantage of the latest genetic testing available to better understand how certain heart conditions are inherited and improve patient care.

Faculty Focus: Ericka Lawler, MD

I was impressed by the opportunities here as a faculty member. Each faculty member in the Department of Orthopedics is allowed to pursue their passion—whether it is a focus on clinical care, resident education, or research activities. Being able to spend my time on activities that I enjoy and where I feel I can make the most impact allows me to be a more effective faculty member.

Faculty Focus: Chad Grueter, PhD

The biggest thing is my role as an educator and a mentor and it’s the thing that provides me the most joy. I try to teach students to have fun with their science. You have to love coming to work every day, and I try to emphasize that to my trainees and put them in a situation to succeed based on their individual strengths.