
The University of Iowa Roy J. and Lucille A Carver College of Medicine has a strong commitment to diversity, dating back to 1870 when it became the first public institution in the country to admit women. More than 100 years later, the College continues that tradition with the philosophy that diversity is a critical part of the College’s research, education, and clinical care goals. A diverse student body, faculty, staff, and patient population help provide a richer education for all students, better clinical care for all patients, and a more well-rounded research enterprise.

The College defines diversity in the broadest sense to mean inclusion of all persons, regardless of ethnic and racial background*, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, disability status, language, citizenship status, age, veteran status, socio-economic status, and other attributes+, who contribute to a welcoming, inclusive culture across the enterprise.

Recently, the College began putting into practice its Strategic Plan for Increasing Diversity that includes specific initiatives for each department. Additionally, the College actively provides opportunities geared toward creating a more inclusive environment, including:

  • Diversity training events and professional development programs
  • Networking events for medical students and residents/fellows
  • Diversity dialogue circles
  • Welcome programs for new students
  • Human Rights Week Events

Finally, UI Carver College of Medicine students themselves have taken an active role in supporting students from underrepresented minority groups. Several student-run groups, including EQUAL Meds (Iowa Queer and Allied Medical Students) and the local chapter of the Student National Medical Association, help to make sure every student from any background feels welcome and supported.

Featured Programs

For more information on diversity at the UI Carver College of Medicine, call the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at (319) 384-2952, or visit www.medicine.uiowa.edu/diversity

*Ethnic and racial diversity includes, but is not limited to, heritage that is African American, Alaska Native, Hawaiian Native, Hispanic American, Native American, and Native of the U.S. Pacific Islands.
+Other attributes, includes other characteristics historically linked to discrimination and/or exclusion