Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP)
SHPEP at the University of Iowa is a free, six-week summer program for undergraduate students interested in health professional careers. Students who complete our program are guaranteed an admissions interview at the Carver College of Medicine, College of Dentistry, and College of Pharmacy.
UI Premed Student Summer Research Internship
This internship allows 10 premed UI undergraduate students to perform a project with a CCOM faculty member over 8 weeks this summer 2021 that will lead to submission of a first and last author publication for the student and faculty member, respectively, by the end of the 8-week period.
Biomedical Scholars Summer Undergraduate Research Program
The Biomedical Scholars Summer Undergraduate Research Program allows scholars to pursue broad research interests in modern biomedical research. Scholars will gain laboratory research experience, participate in a seminar program designed especially for this program, and have the opportunity to join in informal social events. This unique program provides research opportunities in the laboratories of faculty who belong to the graduate programs in Free Radical and Radiation Biology, Genetics, Human Toxicology, Immunology, Molecular Medicine and Neuroscience.
Cancer Research Opportunities at Iowa (CROI)
Cancer Research Opportunities at Iowa (CROI). The Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center has hosted a summer undergraduate cancer research program for nearly 20 years. The program is designed to provide an outstanding atmosphere for training in medical research. The mentors are faculty members of the Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center and come from 17 departments and 6 colleges at the University of Iowa. Applicants must be US Citizens/Permanent residents and undergraduates in a biomedical sciences or related degree field.
Iowa Biomedical Science Academy
The IBA is a grant-funded program that supports the academic and personal success of University of Iowa students interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in the Biosciences. IBA students have access to hands-on research opportunities that earn competitive wages, a faculty mentor, professional development workshops, career counseling, free tutoring (as needed) and a strong community of students, staff & faculty that value diversity in the Biosciences. The IBA consists of several programs working to support underrepresented (see below), undergraduate student researchers to facilitate entry into a PhD programs, MD/PhD programs, or careers in research.
- IBA Scholars Program for junior and senior students committed to pursuing a PhD or MD/PhD
- Science Alliance Internship for first and second year students interested in research and considering graduate school
- LSAMP Program for students interested in research and completing a bachelor's degree in STEM
Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP)
An award-winning program designed to provide promising underrepresented undergraduate students with in-depth research experiences.
Summer Microbiology Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program
A ten-week program designed for undergraduate students studying microbiology or other biological sciences who are interested in a career in science.
Summer Undergraduate MSTP Research Program
The Summer Undergraduate MSTP Research Program offers an intensive experience for undergraduates interested in combined MD/PhD training for a career as a physician-scientist.
Fostering Undergraduate Talent- Uniting Research and Education (FUTURE) in Biomedicine Program
The FUTURE in Biomedicine Program develops research and learning partnerships with professors from Iowa colleges that do not offer doctoral programs. The program opens University of Iowa laboratories to Iowa college professors. Undergraduate students may be selected to accompany their faculty advisors.
The Discover, Engage, Inspire (DEI) Program
The Discover, Engage, Inspire (DEI) Program is a pilot program that aims to involve a diverse cohort of undergraduates in scholarly research activities at the University of Iowa. This program is jointly funded and supported by ICRU, the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, the Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences, and the DeLTA Center.
Iowa Cancer Research Experience (ICARE)
The Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center invites applicants to its ICARE Post-Baccalaureate Fellows Program. Eligible students are U.S. Citizens or permanent residents. Applicants should have graduated in 2023 or 2024 from a four-year college or university and seek additional research experience before applying to graduate school for a doctoral degree.
Iowa: Diversifying Research Experiences and Mentorship postbacc program (iDREAM)
The iDREAM post-baccalaureate program in Neuroscience is for students who are recent (within two years) graduates from undergraduate institutions that do not currently offer PhD's in the biosciences; who want to pursue a PhD in neuroscience; who are looking to get more research experience and help strengthen their grad school applications.