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Background Music as a Barrier to Communication: Loud Music at Parties and in Restaurants: Information for Audiologists

last modified on: Wed, 01/12/2022 - 20:35

See also: Articles on Music, Hearing Loss, and Hearing DevicesPages for audiologists


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  • People with hearing loss can differ in many ways.  

  • ​Some information may be more applicable.

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Background Music as a Barrier to Communication

Music in the background at a crowded restaurant

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This page is primarily for hearing professionals. Other links at this website may be useful for your patients:


This page is a quick references for audiologists about music as background noise. 

  • Audiology appointments are already busy. It can be difficult to find time to counsel patients on music, too. 

  • Audiologists can download these resource materials for patients who ask about music.


Why discuss background music as a barrier to communication with cochlear implant or hearing aid users?

  • Background music is often unavoidable in social events, restaurants, religious services, and other everyday experiences.

  • Background music can make conversation difficult to understand.

  • Background music creates listening effort, which is cognitively and emotionally tiring.

  • Your patients may avoid social situations with background music; this can be socially isolating.

  • Patients may lack effective approaches for reducing or coping with noisy background music. 

Social situations with music (wedding receptions)--- I leave.


Dinner partyLive music at restaurant


Background music undermines good spoken communication.

  •  Split attention: Music and conversation may co-occur. For example, the listener’s attention may shift back and forth between listening to a jazz combo and the voices of their conversation partners.

    • This increases cognitive load.

    • Split attention can be especially difficult for older patients.

  •  Effortful listening: Trying to understand speech AND music can be frustrating and exhausting.

    • Background music can mask speech.

    • Song lyrics can compete with the conversation topic. 

    • People with hearing loss may have to “nod and guess” when spoken communication cannot be deciphered.

When I go to a location that has music during a function (example wedding), music sounds like background noise to me. I cannot enjoy both music and conversation together.

Wedding reception

Reducing or coping with noisy background music 

Many public places and social events have a lot of background music and noise. This makes verbal communication exhausting and difficult. 

Reducing or coping methods break down into 3 categories:

  • Planning ahead

  • Using problem-solving strategies

  • Self-advocacy


The patient page is a counseling resource based on research and recommendations from CI and hearing aid users. It describes the following: 

  • Planning ahead can sometimes ‘create’ an easier listening environment. For example, making reservations for days or times the restaurant is less busy or asking to reserve a private room.

  • Problem-solving strategies can help CI and hearing aid users cope in complex listening situations. For example, sitting with your back to a corner to reduce the amount of sound coming from as many directions.

  • Self-Advocacy involves looking out for your own needs and speaking up for yourself in settings where background music is a barrier to conversation.

          Here are additional resources pages for your patients:

If I’m going to be in a restaurant, I will often ask for a corner or a quiet table. Sometimes I will ask to have the music lowered.
I’ve trained my friends to sit on my good ear side so I can hear them talk and also hear music./Single-sided deaf CI user


Click here to view Decision Trees, which illustrate step-by-step problem solving for planning for going to a noisy restaurant.


Suggested reading:

This article discusses the multifaceted and dynamic experiences of music in everyday life.

Gfeller, K., Driscoll, V., & Schwalje, A. (2019). Adult cochlear implant recipients’ perspectives on experiences with music in everyday life: A multifaceted and dynamic phenomenon. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 13, 1229.


Click here to review references used in preparation of this website. 


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