
The University of Iowa is the lead site for a new clinical trial that is testing the ability of experimental adjuvants to boost the effectiveness of seasonal flu shots. Adjuvants are compounds added to vaccines to induce stronger and longer-lasting immune responses.
In hopes to meld the University of Iowa’s medical and undergraduate campuses, Pavane Gorrepati, current MD candidate at the UI Carver College of Medicine, initiated a new monthly column in The Daily Iowan titled, “The Doctor Is In,” which explores health-related concepts geared toward undergraduate...
Get to know current PhD student Qierra Brockman.
A new study in mice by University of Iowa researchers suggests it may be possible to regenerate critical nerve structures in the eye that are disrupted by genetic mutations even after these structures known as synapses have matured abnormally.
Meet Brian Wolf, MD, MS, professor of orthopedics and rehabilitation.
Meet Matthew Bollier, MD, clinical associate professor of orthopedics and rehabilitation.
Meet Lillian Erdahl, MD, clinical assistant professor of surgery.
Meet Jon Van Heukelom, MD, clinical professor of emergency medicine.
The taste perceptions that influence which foods we choose to eat and how much of those foods we consume may be significantly different in obese people, according to a new study by a University of Iowa research team.
Kevin Campbell, PhD, professor and department head of molecular physiology and biophysics, has been selected to be the 2020 recipient of the Herbert Tabor Research Award and Lectureship.