Karen Clark

Address: 2-200 BSB
Phone: (319) 335-6887
Email: karen-clark@uiowa.edu

Mentor: Anne Kwitek, PhD

Undergraduate Institution: University of Michigan

Graduate Program: Genetics

Year Entered Into Program: 2015

Research Description

Investigating Gene Pleiotropy in Hypertension and Metabolic Syndrome in the Lyon Hypertensive Rat


  • Ranbir K. Bhatnagar Scholar Award, Department of Pharmacology, University of Iowa, 2017
  • Abstract-Driven Invited Speaker, “Trainee Highlights in Physiological Genomics” section of The American Physiological Society, Experimental Biology, 2017
  • Fellowship appointment on the Predoctoral Training Program in Genetics (NIH T32 GM008629), University of Iowa, 2016-present
  • Inventor Award, The University of Iowa Research Foundation, 2015, 2016


  1. Kruspe, S., Dickey, D.D., Urak, K.T., Blanco, G.N., Miller, M.J., Clark, K.C., Burghardt, E., Gutierrez, W.R., Phadke, S.D., Kamboj, S., Ginader, T., Smith, B.J., Grimm, S.K., Schappet, J., Ozer, H., Thomas, A., McNamara, J.O. 2nd, Chan, C.H. and Giangrande, P.H.: Rapid and sensitive detection of breast cancer cells in patient blood with nuclease-activated probe technology. Mol Ther Nucleic Acids. 8:542-557, 2017.  PMCID: PMC5577414
  2. Ma, M.C.J., Pettus, J.M., Jakoubek, J.A., Traxler, M.G., Clark, K.C., Mennie, A.K. and Kwitek, A.E.: Contribution of independent and pleiotropic genetic effects in the metabolic syndrome in a hypertensive rat. PLoS One. 12(8):e0182650, 2017.  PMCID: PMC5549746
  3. Burghardt, E.L., Flenker, K.S., Clark, K.C., Miguel, J., Ince, D., Winokur, P., Ford, B. and McNamara, J.O. 2nd : Rapid, culture-free detection of Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia. PLoS One. 11(6):e0157234, 2016.  PMCID: PMC4909304
  4. Tiet, P., Clark, K.C., McNamara, J.O. 2nd and Berlin, J.M.: Colorimetric detection of Staphylococcus aureus contaminated solutions without purification.  Bioconjug Chem. 28(1):183-193, 2017.  PMID: 28095683