Introduction to Medical Education at Iowa (IMEI) is a program designed to introduce admitted students to medical school at the University of Iowa. Through a partnership with faculty, students, and staff from the Carver College of Medicine (CCOM) and Office of Student Affairs and Curriculum (OSAC), participants are able to experience the challenges of medical school in a positive and supportive environment.
Course Goals
Introduction to Medical Education at Iowa provides the experiences to help students:
- Facilitate a complete transition to medical school.
- Begin utilizing the concepts and skills necessary to become a lifelong learner.
- Develop the skills necessary to understand concepts in Anatomy, Biochemistry, Genetics, Metabolism, Oxygenation, Clinical and Professional Skills, and Medicine and Society.
- Develop an appreciation for balancing classroom work with personal development and wellness.
- Acculturate into the medical school environment through an orientation to campus and community life, and CCOM/OSAC resources.
Course Objectives
Educational activities including large and small group sessions, case-based learning (CBL), anatomy lab, clinical observations, computer-based exams, study groups, and self-directed learning, will promote the students’ development of:
- An appreciation for the responsibilities of a practicing physician.
- An understanding of societal perspectives of medicine.
- Interpersonal communication and teamwork skills.
- Skills for accessing and managing medical information.
- Using medical terminology in the practice of medicine.
- Strategies to balance personal life with the demands of medical school.
- Strategies for studying course materials and preparing for exams.
- An understanding of the support services available through the Carver College of Medicine Office of Student Affairs and Curriculum, The University of Iowa, and the community.
Student Responsibilities
Students are expected to:
- Attend all scheduled curricular and co-curricular activities.
- Be a full and active participant in large and small group sessions, and anatomy labs.
- Observe scheduled meeting times and be punctual.
- Complete coursework in a timely manner and observing established deadlines.
- Complete required clinical observation/shadowing experiences.
- Access email and ICON (Iowa Courses On-Line) as directed.
- Schedule one (1) orientation meeting with a staff counselor at the Medical Student Counseling Center (1240 MERF).
- Schedule one (1) meeting with a member of the Financial Services Unit (1216 MERF). Students assigned to Bean and Flocks Communities contact Jeff Emrich; students assigned to Boulware or McCowen Communities contact Chris Roling. Follow-up meetings will be scheduled as deemed necessary.
- Participate in the IMEI course evaluation process.
Evaluation of Student Learning
Formal student evaluation will include weekly exams to assess cognitive knowledge of topics discussed in large groups sessions, anatomy labs, and small group sessions. In addition, CBL facilitators will provide individualized feedback on students' performance. The program director and teaching associates will track student progress and provide each student a summative assessment of their performance.
Evaluation of Course
Introduction to Medical Education at Iowa, involves many educational experiences. Student evaluation of these components is critical to the future success of the course. Students will be expected to participate in the evaluation process during and at the conclusion of the six-week program.
Students with disabilities who seek modification of seating, testing or other course requirements must contact the Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine Counseling Center before the end of the first week of class to implement the process for determining appropriate accommodation in accordance with the College's Policies for Students with Disabilities.
Communication with Students
Much of the day-to-day communications for this course will occur via e-mail and ICON (Iowa Courses On-Line). Each student has an e-mail account. It is the responsibility of each student to check e-mail daily and ICON as directed. Important notices, changes, and information of interest will be posted on these electronic media. Computers for accessing e-mail and ICON are located in L169 MERF and in all student learning communities located in the Medical Education and Research Facility (MERF), as well as in the various computer laboratories on campus.
All students are assigned mailboxes located in their community. It is the responsibility of the student to check the mailbox daily for messages.
Program Director Carrie Bernat is available to answer your questions by e-mail, telephone (319) 335-7641, or by appointment in her office 1120 MERF.
Teaching Associates
Three Teaching Associates, each a 2nd year medical student, are involved in the design and delivery of this course. Their names and contact information will be provided at the start of IMEI.