Student Counseling

The Medical Student Counseling Center (MSCC), is located in 1240 MERF, right down the hallway from the Office of Student Affairs and Curriculum (OSAC). A satellite office is located in the General Hospital, GH238, across from the DeGowin Blood Center. We are committed to providing quality services and support to medical students by offering:

Medical Student Counseling Center Informed Consent Form

Services provided within each realm are described in further detail throughout the MSCC web site.  In addition to counseling, academic support, and disability/accessibility services, the staff provides regular programming and workshops aimed at enhancing personal and professional development, academic performance, career decision making, and mental, emotional, social, and physical well-being.  Peer tutoring services are also coordinated through the MSCC. All of our services are free to medical and physician assistant students.  Clinical services are strictly confidential.

Office Hours: Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (open during lunch hour). Special arrangements can often be made to accommodate student schedules outside regular office hours.


Mental Health Crisis Services

During office hours (M-F, 8 am to 5 pm) call or visit the MSCC main office and indicate the need for immediate assistance.

  • 319-335-8056, 1240 MERF

After hours, the following services are available:

  • UI Support and Crisis Line—1-844-461-5420
  • UIHC Psychiatry Resident On-Call—319-356-1616
  • Foundation 2—319-362-2174
  • National Suicide Prevention Hotline—988
  • UI Department of Public Safety—319-335-5022
  • UIHC Emergency Treatment Center—319-356-2233

Contact the Counseling Center here