
Joseph Szot, MD, has been named associate dean for continuing and integrated medical education in the UI Carver College of Medicine.
Kevin Campbell, PhD, and Michael Welsh, MD, will continue to serve as Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) investigators for another five years following renewal of their appointments by HHMI.
The AAMC has awarded a NEXT grant to Jane Lindsay Miller, MA, PhD, to implement an award-winning simulation curriculum to improve collaborative practice skills for healthcare interpreters, medical students, and resident physicians.
University of Iowa team of researchers led by Dominique Limoli, PhD, hopes that identifying and understanding the strategies used by bacteria when they interact with one another might lead to new approaches for treating bacterial infections that threaten human health.
Jason Wilken, PT, PhD, opens the Human Performance and Clinical Outcomes lab within the Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science. This lab contains high-tech lab technology, virtual reality simulators, and gait analysis.
Get to know Lillian Howard, MS, and why she decided to become a genetic counselor.
Meet Ethan Kuperman, MD, clinical associate professor of internal medicine.
Meet Azeem Ahmed, MD, MBA, clinical professor of emergency medicine.
Meet Rahul Rastogi, MBBS, clinical professor of anesthesia.
Meet Jason Barker, MD, associate professor of internal medicine – infectious disease.