2024 Stead Family Scholars Program for Early Career Investigator Research

$125,000 per year for three years

Deadline: May 15, 2024

UI Health Care is pleased to announce the funding competition for the Stead Family Scholars Program is now open for applications.  This program is designed to recognize and advance the development of outstanding early-career investigators. The goal of this program is to identify and support outstanding early-career faculty who are becoming internationally recognized leaders in their respective fields of research. The program provides financial support to pursue new unexplored ideas that promise consequential discoveries. Stead Family Scholars (Scholars) will also be provided leadership and communication training to advance their professional development.


  • Early-stage tenure-track investigators (at least 3 years as an Assistant Professor and no more than 2 years as tenured Associate Professor) with an MD and/or PhD degree.
  • Candidates must have a record of independence demonstrated in part by current extramural grant support (e.g. Federal funding such as NIH R01, R35, U01); impactful publications as the communicating author; and evidence of innovation and a growing reputation
  • Candidates may be selected from within the institution or be recruited from outside institutions
  • Previous applicants are also eligible and encouraged to apply!

Stead Family Scholar Program Awards

  • Scholars will receive $125,000 per year for three years to support their research program. Funds cannot be used for direct salary support of the Scholar.
  • Scholars will be provided communication and leadership training organized through the Carver College of Medicine and/or the University of Iowa
  • Scholars will present at the Stead Family Scholar forum during the years of financial support.
  • Scholars may hold the Stead Family Scholar title so long as they maintain research success at the University of Iowa.

Application Process

Candidates should submit a single PDF that includes the following materials through this link: https://uiowa.infoready4.com/#competitionDetail/1927915 by May 15th, 2024

**Please follow NIH page formatting and font size rules**

  1. Description of current research and future directions that the Stead Family Scholars Program would support (2-page limit).
  2. NIH Biosketch including a 'MyBibliography' URL to publications (5-page limit).
  3. Current CV that includes:
    1. List of past, current and pending extramural and intramural grant support
    2. Designation or separate list of publications as communicating author.

Several Stead Family Scholar positions will be made available on a rolling basis with an annual call for applications in early spring.

Please contact Erin Brothers, CCOM Research Administrator, with any questions. erin-brothers@uiowa.edu