
Initiatives approved for Year 1 funding support Iowa’s strategic priorities
With the approval of UI Health Care and CCOM senior leadership, a limited number of CCOM building entrances will be unlocked during normal business hours starting on June 14, 2021. Questions should be directed to the Office of Facilities Planning and Management at 335-8061. Please remember: Fully...
James Choi, MD, assistant dean of student affairs and curriculum and associate professor of anesthesia, grew up in Seoul, South Korea, and moved to Iowa City with his family when he was fourteen years old. Upon coming to the United States, it was suggested that Choi repeat a year of school because his English was not good enough.
Stanley Perlman, professor of microbiology and immunology and Mark Stinski Chair in Virology, and Michelle Scherer, professor of civil and environmental engineering and Donald E. Bently Professor of Engineering, have been named recipients of the 2021 University of Iowa Distinguished Chair. Although already honored with endowed positions, both will relinquish these positions to accept the University Distinguished Chair.
Anuradha Gore shares the diverse ethnicities within the AAPI community and learning about and appreciating the different backgrounds and experiences everyone has. Gore is a first-year medical student and co-president of the Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association (APAMSA) chapter at the University of Iowa Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine.
Harold Adams, MD, professor emeritus of neurology, shared seven ways to reduce your chance of having a stroke.
The University of Iowa's pioneering work with cochlear implants has transformed the lives of generations of patients who are deaf and have hearing loss. Now a first-of-its-kind robotic device developed by Iowa researchers could result in even better outcomes for cochlear implant recipients.
Lela Fossett reflects on her heritage and how that has shaped her into who she is today—a physician assistant student that enjoys singing, learning, and helping the community.
Cancers caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) are a significant public health problem in the United States (U.S.). But these cancers are preventable with HPV vaccination.
Effective May 20, 2021, new guidelines will be in place for the health sciences campus and patient care areas. These changes are based on increased vaccination rates, low COVID-19 incidence in the community, and updated national and local public health guidance. Changes are being made in...