Latino Medical Student Association (LMSA)

The purpose of the Latino Medical Student Association is to address the health needs of the Latino community, as well as to create an environment for recruitment and academic support of individuals in the health care professions who will strive to improve the access and delivery of healthcare to Latinos and medically underserved populations.  The Latino Medical Student Association was formed in response to the growing deficit in the provision of health care to the Latino community, which is expected to grow from 45.5 million members in 2007 to 103 million members in 2050.

By helping to train the next generation of physician-leaders to be culturally competent and sensitive to the health care needs of the Latino community, LMSA strives towards the following goals: (1) Reducing overall health and treatment outcome disparities between the Latino community and the general population; (2) Shape policies that can positively impact the health of the Latino community; (3) Influence key areas of biomedical research of interest to the Latino community.


