Vital Signs (Student Newspaper)

Vital Signs is the official medical student newspaper of the University of Iowa. For nearly 50 years, Vital Signs has been the megaphone and soap box for medical students at UI. Writers contribute news, poetry, opinion, satire, photography, and much more. Vital Signs is now entirely online and can be accessed through our blog or Facebook account. Any medical or PA student can contribute to Vital Signs, and you are encouraged to join the editorial board if you have an interest in writing or managing Facebook/blogspot accounts. E-mail an editor for information on submitting or join the board.

Latest Headlines

We publish several issues per year.

We publish all kinds of material. Regular reporters, essayists, fiction writers, poets, photographers, and artists will all be welcomed with warmth and enthusiasm.

If you are interested in contributing to Vital Signs, or simply would like to learn more about the paper, please contact the folks listed below.
