Interest Group on Aging

The Interest Group on Aging (IGA), formerly known as the Geriatrics Interest Group, is a medical student organization whose mission includes several components. First, we provide education and exposure for students specifically interested in the field of geriatric medicine. However, considering that almost every medical subspecialty deals with a majority of older adults, the specific challenges that they face have a much broader scope. By featuring speakers from a variety of medical subspecialties and collaborating with other specialty interest groups within the school, we are able to draw a diverse audience toward what we believe are topics that reach far beyond just any one subspecialty. Finally, we realize that geriatric healthcare is a truly interdisciplinary effort, and we have thus expanded our membership to include students from other colleges in the health sciences, including dentistry, nursing, pharmacy, public health, and others. Through organizing seminars and community outreach events, we hope our members utilize the group as both a valuable educational resource and a gateway to positive and fulfilling experiences with the geriatric patient population. Any inquiries may be directed to the co-presidents.

