WEBINAR 1: Responding Effectively to Mistreatment

During the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been incidents of racism, xenophobia, and mistreatment toward individuals of Asian descent, both nationally and in our community.  This behavior is misguided and wrong, and unacceptable.  The COVID-19 is not a "Chinese virus." It affects us all.  Please read the full "Discrimination Statement on behalf of the Associate Dean of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (re: COVID-19)." 

It is vital that we stand up for each other when facing any form of oppression that threatens our shared values.  Any act of mistreatment diminishes all of us. We must affirm our community and professional values in trying times like these. 

Responding Effectively to Mistreatment Webinar

In this webinar, David Moser, PhD, professor of psychiatry, and Destinee Gwee, a medical student in the Carver College of Medicine, cover several scenarios of subtle and more overt forms of offensive behavior, and offer tips and strategies for how to respond effectively.

Please also use this handout Responding Effectively to Mistreatment